How I’m Lassoing My Anxiety Like a Champion Rodeo Competitor


Hi. My name is Mario. I have anxiety.

Really, this is more self-actualization statement than surprise revelation. I mean, I knew this. I knew this even as far back as childhood. I’ve always been Type A, a worrier, an organizer, an over-thinker, a do-gooder. Stressing and processing are natural instincts. Oh, and did I mention that I have an active imagination that runs away with me unless I lasso it back in with the same tenacity as a champion rodeo competitor?

Doctors make me nervous. So does rush hour traffic. And severe storms. What immediately happens is my stomach becomes a throbbing mess. It doesn’t help that I have both a family history of Type A-ness and a sharp memory that won’t forget a traumatic incident that I endured when I was 13.

Classic signs and symptoms of good ole anxiety.

You’re probably wondering why I’m bringing this up now. I’m 53. Been dealing with this for years. So, what’s new? In the last six years it’s become more intense, more noticeable, and unfortunately less manageable. I can no longer just ignore it. I can’t keep chalking it up to, “Well, that’s just me.”

I’m a proactive guy. I consider myself self-aware and quite capable of looking at myself in the mirror and honestly picking out the flaws that need fixing.

Hi. My name is Mario. I have anxiety.

What am I doing differently now? Glad you asked. Here’s the list:

  • I’m seeing a counselor once a month who has profoundly helped me recognize the signs of anxiety and stress, then deal with them in checklist fashion – complete with breathing techniques.
  • I’m learning that I can’t fix anybody but myself. Toxic people are getting easier and easier to erase from my life.
  • I’m going to bed earlier, waking up earlier, getting to work on time, moving through rush hour carefully and confidently. Most importantly, I’m in much less of a hurry.
  • I’m a vegan now and low carb. I’ve lost 22 pounds. This has greatly improved my mindset, my outlook, and my self-image.
  • I do a Pilates workout once a week and walk about 13,000 steps a day. Both are super helpful for my serenity.
  • I’m working on not worrying about what I can’t control and be as prepared as I can be for what I can control.
  • I’m realizing that life is short, this isn’t a dress rehearsal, so I need to live my best life.

I want to add that I’m doing all of this without the help of medication. I have no issue with medication. It’s great, and I know that it truly helps many people live happy lives. More power to them! But for me, for this issue, I need to heal from the inside out. I need to proactively dissect my own insecurities instead of letting a pill put a band aid over them.

Little by little, with each passing day, I’m getting there. Do I still have a bout with anxiety here and there? Oh yeah. But now I know how to deal with it intellectually and physically. I even know how to mitigate it or stop it altogether before it even starts. I’m on my journey.

Hi. My name is Mario. I have anxiety. But I’m getting better.

2 thoughts on “How I’m Lassoing My Anxiety Like a Champion Rodeo Competitor”

  1. This was so good. Many times people don’t realize that diet and exercise has a massive effect on anxiety/depression! I’m loving how you brought in the Pilates and vegan diet.

    To me, the most important part of combating Generalized Anxiety Disorder is cutting toxic relationships/jobs/environments/people out of your life. It’s made all the difference in combating toxic thought processes and ensuring there’s minimal need for anti-anxiety meds.

    Thank you so much for sharing this! I never knew you were battling anxiety! I’m right here battling with you! Love ya!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Shi! I’m on a journey and I can feel the changes. Still have work to do, but it is within my power. You are so right about cutting all those things. I did, and am still doing it. Sadly, some of those toxic people are also family. That’s a little harder, but I’m getting there.

      Your words inspire me. Thank you again. Love ya lots!


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